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Haggadah with the Maharal of Prague’s Commentary

Gevuros Hashem 
First Edition!
Cracow, 1582 
Gevuros Hashem Haggadah printed in Cracow, 1582 is the original edition of the Maharal of Prague’s commentary on the Haggadah, based on his personal manuscript, and published by the Maharal himself!
The Maharal of Prague’s landmark commentary gained widespread recognition and has been reprinted in hundreds of editions of Haggados.
Rare copy. The last three pages of this Haggadah include a synopsis of the laws of Pesach and the laws of yayin nesech. The Maharal adds a severe warning against those who are careless in regard to the prohibition of yayin nesech, and how foolish it is to use forbidden wine to perform the mitzvah of kiddush and the arba kosos on Pesach.
These last 3 pages are exceptionally rare and are missing in most known copies.
Rabbi Yehuda Loew (1512-1609), the Maharal of Prague, is one of the most legendary sages and mystics in Jewish history whose name is mentioned in the same breath as Rabbi Yosef Karo and the Arizal. He was a prolific author whose deep philosophical works on all realms of Torah number among the most famous in the Jewish library
Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod #452
Yudelov, Otzar HaHaggados #29