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Sacred manuscript with teachings from the Chassidic Founders




Unpublished Manuscript: Divrei Torah with earliest recording of the Baal-Shem-Tov’s Iggeres Aliyas HaNeshama 


250 year old unpublished manuscript with Chiddushim on the Torah and on Talmud,    includes teachings from the Maggid of Mezritch inscribed during his lifetime along also includes the famous “Aliyas Haneshamah” letter penned by the Baal Shem Tov to his brother-in-law Rabbi Gershon Kitover.
the identity of the author is unknown.
Handwritten Manuscript of the Maggid of Mezritch’s Teachings


Among the chiddushim revealed in this manuscript are two references to the Maggid of Mezritch who was alive at the time. The author, pcites two lessons in the name of the Maggid of Mezritch, describing him with glowing accolades as “The miracle of our generation, Rabbi of all Jews in the Diaspora, ” and in both places, adds the letters נ”י (literally: his candle shall burn), indicating that this manuscript was authored during the Maggid’s lifetime! One of the references to the Maggid is dated 1771, and the Maggid passed away in 1773.
The author writes:
“ in the name of the great genius, miracle of our generation, master of all Jews of the Diaspora, the light of our eyes: Moreinu Dovber נ”י, may he shine eternally, maggid of the holy congregation of Mezritch… I heard this here, in the holy congregation of Vashilshak on the day of Purim, 5531 (1771)” (Leaf 45b-46a).


He further writes:
“The chassid, miracle of our generation, the honorable Moreinu Harav Dovber נ”י, maggid of the holy congregation of Mezritch, who expressed these beautiful words” (Leaf 50b).
96 handwritten double-sided leaves. Page size: 19×15 cm. The majority of this manuscript was written by a single author; minor parts were inserted by a second writer.
On Leaf 60a, the author proclaims: “The commentary on Rashi and the holy Mikra are, with the help of the Giving God, complete (1777).” Good condition. Two last pages wrapped in thin, transparent material to preserve sefer. Several of the chiddushim from this manuscript were printed in Kovetz Ohr Yisrael (Monsey, 2008). Issue 2, pp. 17-31.
Bibliography: Heichal HaBaal Shem Tov Kovetz 20 pp. 6-19, 20-23; Kovetz 21, p. 173.


The Legendary Aliyas Haneshamah Letter
It is well known amongst chassidic circles of the famous letter written by the Baal Shem Tov to his brother-in-law Rabbi Gershon Kitover, describing the aliyas haneshamah he experienced and the Torah wisdom revealed to him. The Aliyas Haneshamah letter is regarded as one of the fundamental sources of Chassidus, and it appeared in print for the first time in Toldos Yaakov Yosef (Karatz, 1781), which was written by the Baal Shem Tov’s prime disciple.


In 1980, Rabbi Y. Mondshein printed a different version of the letter based on a manuscript inscribed in 1776. Incredibly, Leaves 9b-10a of the present manuscript, which was inscribed before the manuscript on which Mondshein based his version of the letter, is similar to his version, with several variances.


This is the very first known record of the Baal Shem Tov’s Aliyas Hanshamah letter!



The top of the letter states: “This is the letter written by the kabbalist Moreinu Harav Yisrael of the holy congregation of Mezebuz to his brother-in-law the kabbalist Moreinu Harav Gershon in Eretz Yisrael, may she be speedily rebuilt, and these are his holy and pure words…”



The identity of the author of this manuscript is yet unknown, although he was clearly a distinguished Rav or maggid of Lithuanian extraction. In the course of his writings, he mentions his father “Rabbi Yitzchak” whom he describes as “exalted and wondrous”, and he cites many chiddushei Torah in the name of the greatest Torah luminaries of his era, among them the Shaagas AryehRabbi Refael Hakohein of Hamburg.
The following are several translated quotes from the manuscript which mention the names of famous Rabbanim cited by the author:
1. “In my humble opinion, we can resolve this based on what I heard from the holy mouth of the miracle of our generation, the great genius and chassid, holy man of God…Moreinu Harav Refael Kahana, Av Beis Din of the holy congregation of Pinsk…” (Leaf 19b).


The above is a reference to Rabbi Refael Hakohein of Hamburg.


2. “In the name of Moreinu Avraham of the holy congregation of Novardok, in the name of the keen and celebrated genius and Rosh Yeshiva of the holy congregation of Minsk, Moreinu Aryeh” (Leaf 87b).


The above is  a reference to the Shaagas Aryeh, who served as Rosh Yeshivah in Minsk.


3. “I heard an answer from the holy mouth of the master of Torah, the exalted Rabbi and chassid Moreinu Harav Lipman, maggid of the holy congregation of Azar who said in the name of the holy and exalted genius, Rabbi of the holy congregation of Turka, Moreinu Harav Binyamin z”l, who was laid to rest in the holy congregation of Azar” (Leaf 43a, 54a).


4. I heard from the mouth of the wondrous Moreinu Avraham Malovaky (Leaf 93b).


5. In the name of the [master of] Torah, Moreinu Moshe of Seltz (Leaf 94b).


6. My late father, the wondrous and righteous Moreinu Harav Yitzchak z”l (Leaf 28b and others).


7. In the name of my brother [master of Torah] Moreinu Harav Moshe (Leaf 95a).