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Letter by Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz

Regarding Yeshivas Mir Shanghai, 1943
Rare!  Long Handwritten & Autographed Letter by Rabbi ChaimShmuelevitz Regarding Yeshivas Mir in Shanghai. Shanghai, 1943
A lengthy, detailed handwritten letter by the Rosh Yeshivah of Mir describing the trials and tribulations of the Yeshivah’s exile in Shanghai.
This is a rare and valuable historic treasure, handwritten and autographed by the illustrious Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz who led the Mir Yeshivah and its talmidim through stormy years of exile. It is inscribed on special Mir Yeshivah stationery printed during their years in Shanghai .
In this letter, Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz describes the heavy burden of funding the Yeshivah, and specifically, supporting the soup kitchen which sustained the talmidim of the Yeshivah and supporting the avreichim from the yeshiva whom had married during this period and borne children.
The Mir Yeshivah in Shanghai
The Miraculous Rescue
The wondrous flight and rescue of the Mir Yeshivah during World War Two is one of the most inspirational tales of the Holocaust era and a clear manifestation of Divine providence.
In 1939, the Mir Yeshivah and its students fled Poland to Vilna, where they remained for a brief period of time before Lithuanian authorities expelled the Yeshivah from its borders. In an extraordinary twist of fate, the Japanese consul in Kovno, Mr. Chiune Sugihara, agreed to issue Japanese entry visas to all the Yeshivah’s students and its esteemed Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz. This enabled the immediate escape of the entire Yeshivah via the Trans-Siberian Railroad to Japan where they remained for nine months before continuing its distressing travels to Shanghai, China.
Yeshivahs Mir remained in exile in Shanghai for five years. Under the leadership of its venerable Rosh Yeshivah and mashgiach, the Yeshivah’s students immersed themselves in a sacred world of Torah, elevating themselves and engraving a glorious tale upon the annals of Jewish history.