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Illustrated Haggadah. Amsterdam, 1662.

First Passover Haggadah Printed in Amsterdam! 

Haggadah with commentary of Rabbi Yosef Shalit of Padua, with many illustrations.


This Haggadah is richly adorned with an abundance of woodcut illustrations, initials and frames. A total of 137 captivating illustrations are printed in this Haggadah, enriching the experience of the Seder night.

Contains Yiddish translations of the piyutim recited at the end of the Haggadah.

The Haggadah contains translations of Kadesh Urchatz Karpas…. In Italian, Spanish and Yiddish, on the verso of the title page .

Birkas Hamazon on pp. [15-16] according to Ashkenazic rite.