Historic Letter from the Founding of the Toras Emes Yeshiva in Chevron
In the Original Handwriting of the Rebbe Rashab
Lubavitch, 2nd of Cheshvan 1911
“Carefully supervise their studies in Chassidus and Revealed Torah…”
A letter of directives regarding the management of the Toras Emes Yeshiva in Chevron in its early days, in the handwriting of the yeshiva’s founder, Rabbi Shalom Dov Ber Schneersohn, the Rashab of Lubavitch.
At the beginning of 5672 (1911), the Rebbe Rashab established the Toras Emes Yeshiva in the city of the patriarchs, Chevron. The Rebbe appointed Rabbi Shneur Zalman Havlin as the head of the yeshiva.
On Tuesday, 2nd of Cheshvan, Rabbi Shneur Zalman left Lubavitch with seven students on their way to Chevron. On the same day, the Rebbe provided Rabbi Shneur Zalman with a letter of guidance written in his own handwriting, in which he instructs him on the main principles of managing the yeshiva and his role:
“All your affairs in the holy city of Chevron should only be matters of the yeshiva… and your eyes and heart should be there all day… supervise well their studies in Chassidus and revealed Torah… and everything should be organized and at fixed times; their entering and leaving should be under exacting supervision, as is customary here.”
He concludes with a blessing for the journey:
“And may Hashem help you succeed and may your work be good according to the will of our holy fathers and teachers, of blessed memory.”
Toras Emes Yeshiva in Chevron
The yeshiva was founded in 1911 by the Rebbe Rashab, who appointed his son the Rebbe Rayatz as the yeshiva’s director. The Rayatz worked tirelessly throughout the years to establish it and make it a success (see adjacent letter). At the beginning of World War I, the yeshiva students were expelled by the Turks and they returned to Lubavitch until it was re-established in Jerusalem, where the yeshiva exists until today.
The Rebbe Rashab (1861-1920) was the fifth Rebbe in the Chabad dynasty, son of the Rebbe Maharash son of the Tzemach Tzedek, son of the Mitteler Rebbe son of the Alter Rebbe author of the Tanya. He established the Tomchei Temimim and Toras Emes yeshivas and worked extensively for all Russian Jews who suffered from persecution and pogroms. He wrote hundreds of chassidic discourses, published in 29 volumes. His son is the Rebbe Rayatz.
The chassidic gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Havlin (1877-1936) was head of the Toras Emes Yeshiva in Chevron and Jerusalem, and was among the greatest chassidim and close associates of the Rebbes Rashab and Rayatz. At a very young age, he was already among those who would review the Rashab’s discourses and was considered one of the Bnei Aliya of the chassidic group. As mentioned, he was sent to Chevron by the Rashab to establish the yeshiva and later by the Rayatz to Jerusalem. During his tenure, he produced hundreds of God-fearing students who followed in the path of chassidus. (See more about him in the sefer Hamashpia, Jerusalem, 1982).
Lubavitch, 2nd of Mar-Cheshvan 5672 (October 24, 1911)
Size: 14 x 22 cm.
Condition: Good.
The letter was first published in the book HaMashpia (Jerusalem, 1982), p. 39, along with a facsimile on p. 334. It was later included in Igros HaRashab (Brooklyn, 1986), Vol. 2, Letter 308(b), p. 594
Regarding the founding of the Toras Emes Yeshiva in Chevron, see: Shalom Dov Ber Levin, History of Chabad in the Holy Land Chapter 25.
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