Segulah for Banei, Chayei U’mezonei!
Zera Shimshon
First Edition. Mantua, 1778
Beautiful and Large Copy
Drashos and commentary on Chamishah Chumshei Torah and Megillos by the great kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Shimshon Nachmani.
Segulah of the Zera Shimshon
In his preface, the author relates that after his only son passed away without children, he named his sefer ‘Zera Shimshon’, literally the “seed of Shimshon”, as his spiritual legacy.
He further beseeches to learn this sefer in his memory and blesses those who learn it: “May the Master of reward repay you for this merit with great reward to all who perform true loving-kindness with…banei, chayei u’mezonei – children, life and great prosperity…And your eyes shall see children and descendants who are as olive shoots around your tables, scholarly and wise, and wealth and honor shall never depart your seed until the [verse] ‘They shall see the Honor of Hashem’ shall be fulfilled to you…”
In recent times, the segulah of the ‘Zera Shimshon’ has gained popularity and has become widespread. Many stories abound of people having a child after studying this sefer.
Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani (1707-1779), renowned by the name of his sefer ‘Zera Shimshon’, was a venerable Italian rabbi and kabbalist. He was a disciple of Rabbi David Finzi, Av Bein Din of Mantua, father-in-law of the Ramchal. The Zera Shimshon studied the wisdom of kabbalah under the Rabach.
Before his passing, he instructed that all of his Kabbalistic writings be buried with him. Since he had no living descendants, he named his sefarim ‘Zera Shimshon’ and ‘Toldos Shimshon’, alluding that these were his spiritual legacy.
There is a famous segulah to learn from the sefer ‘Zera Shimshon’ in order to be blessed with children.
Miracles by the Zera Shimshon
Rabbi Chananel Nepi, Av Beis Din of Cento, relates an amazing story in his work ‘Zecher Tzaddik Livrachah’ which he heard firsthand from the Av Beis Din of Reggio, Rabbi Chananya Elchanan Cohen, prime disciple of the Zera Shimshon:
A fire once broke out right near the Zera Shimshon’s house, and it grew to dangerous proportions until it reached the walls of his porch. The Zera Shimshon opened his window and stood facing the flames while immersed in prayer, and then sat down. All at once, the fire miraculously died out, sparing the Zera Shimshon from suffering any damage (Toldos Gedolei Yisrael, Trieste, 1853, p. 325).
Mantua, 1778. First edition.
Page Count: 104, 108-115, 115, [1], 117-[1]62, 21, [1] leaves.
Size: 35 cm.
Condition: Larger and wider than regular copies; beautiful copy in good condition. New leather binding.
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