Foundational Sefer Chassidus! Kedushas Levi by the Admor Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev First Edition Slavita, 1798
“Whenever he carries the amulet…he shall not fear the plague.” Sacred Amulet by the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Komarno Lvov, 1856
The Dynasty of Lechovitch, Kobryn and Slonim Anthology of Handwritten Letters by the Admor Rabbi Shmuel of Slonim
“The Jewish Sages…are the foundations of the House of Israel.” Rav Chaim Brisker’s perspective regarding the sacred role of Gedolei Yisrael in transmitting the Torah and mesorah.
“The main thing is not to worry. Hakadosh Baruch Hu will surely send you a refuah shleimah, and He will also send parnassah. Just as He cared for us until now, He will surely continue caring for us in the future.” Beautiful Handwritten Letter by the Chofetz Chaim to His Wife during Her Journey to Seek Medical Care
Halachah and Medicine3-Page Handwritten & Autographed Teshuvah by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski. Vilna, 1927
Exile of Baranovitch Yeshiva at the Beginning of World War II Autographed Letter from Rabbi Elchonon WassermanTrakai, near Vilna, 1940
Handwritten Chiddushim and Shiurim by Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer, Author of Even Haezel. Slutsk-Jerusalem
Exciting Historical ItemNever Before Published!Mussar Notebook written in Shanghai during the war years, containing talks by theMashgiach Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein 1942-1945
The Pivotal Letter: How Young Nosson Tzvi Finkel from Chicago Became a Leader and Rosh Yeshiva to Thousands!
Kushta Reish First Jewish Book on Mathematics! Sefer Hamispar by Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi The Re’em Constantinople, 1533-1534