
Lot : 50

One of the first kabbalah Sefarim to be printed!

Maareches HaElokus, First Edition. Ferrara, 1558.

Start price: $5,000
Est. Price: $8,000 - $10,000
One of the first kabbalah Sefarim to be printed!

Maareches HaElokus, First Edition. Ferrara, 1558.

First edition of the primary kabbalistic work Maareches HaElokus, one of the foremost kabbalistic works to be printed. This sefer encompasses profound commentaries and explanations that are fundamental to the wisdom of kabbalah. It was printed the same year as the first printing of the Zohar, Tikkunei HaZohar and Sefer Hayetzirah!

Maareches HaElokus is cited in numerous writings of the greatest kabbalists, among them Rabbi Chaim Vital, the Ramak, Shl”a, and the Maharal of Prague. Even the Beis Yosef used this sefer as the source of his halachic ruling in Shulchan Aruch (Ch. 28: 2) regarding removing tefillin in a standing position.

This sefer was printed by Rabbi Yitzchak de Lattes, who is famous for his ruling regarding the printing of Sefer HaZohar printed that very same year in Mantua. The Arizal attested that Rabbi Yitzchak de Lattes was “the spark of a great tzaddik, chassid and kadosh” (Shem Hagedolim, Cheshek Shlomo).

The Author
The identity of the author of Maareches Ha’Elokus is unclear. The title page attributes it to Rabbeinu Peretz of the Baalei Tosfos, while the Ramak in Pardes Rimonim (Shaar 6, Ch. 2) suggests that the author was actually Rabbi Todros Halevi, a nephew of Rabbi Meir Halevi Abulafia, author of Yad Rama.
Due to its depth and complexity, the text of Maareches HaElokus was published alongside a commentary whose author’s identity likewise remains an enigma. This commentary was also very deep and complex, so Rabbi Yehuda Chayat composed a commentary on it entitled Minchas Yehuda.

The Spanish Expulsion
Rabbi Yehuda Chayat’s preface to Maareches HaElokus encompasses chilling testimony to the trials and tribulations suffered by the refugees of the Spanish Expulsion in 1492. In this historic account, Rabbi Yehuda poignantly describes his wanderings and exiles, recounting his meeting with the famed Chassid Yaabetz, upon whose request he authored his commentary to this kabbalistic work.

At the end of his preface, he presents fundamental guidance regarding kabbalistic works that are permissible to learn, while strongly cautioning learners to beware of other works that are prohibited for study.

Distinguished Copy
The present copy belonged to Rabbi Avraham Yosef Shlomo Grissiano (circa 1620-1685), Rabbi of Modena and owner of an important Jewish library which was one of the most prominent libraries in Italy. He is renowned for his distinct signature, “Ish Ger”.

In 1642, he purchased this sefer from the heirs of Rabbi Simcha ben Rabbi Ohr Shraga Sangveny, and the beginning of the sefer bears a lengthy writing of ownership, his full signature, along with his signature: “Ish Ger”.
A third inscription: “This has reached my possession, Shimon Mundway.”

Ferrara, 1558. First edition. [6] 286 leaves. 21 cm. Erasures and censor markings. A small tear at the top of the title page with paper completion, minor defects in the margins of the first leaves. Good condition.

New leather binding.

Stefansky Sifrei Yesod – #339

Provenance: Yechezkel Toporowitch Collection
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