
Lot : 39

Rare Work of Art!
Magnificent Shivisi Poster With Extensive Micrography, Ink and Color on Vellum. Europe, 1827

Start price: $25,000
Est. Price: $30,000 - $40,000
Rare Work of Art!
Magnificent Shivisi Poster With Extensive Micrography, Ink and Color on Vellum. Europe, 1827

A remarkable artistic “Shivisi” poster adorned with beautiful illustrations and impressive micrography, combining spiritual and Kabbalistic teachings with art to enhance focus and concentration on the divine presence.

Description: The poster begins with a prayer: “אנא השם זכני להיות מהשבים אליך בכל לב” – Please, G-d, help me to merit to return to You wholeheartedly.
The main part consists of a beautiful art-like structure in vibrant colors displaying the verse, “Shivisi Hashem Le’negdi Tamid" – I set Hashem before me always. The name of Hashem in large letters is at the center, supplemented with other holy names and Kabbalistic intentions.

Beneath the central image, the verse “Lamenatzeach” from Tehillim Ch. 67 was written in intricate micrography, interwoven between the names. The verse is framed by elegant columns, and below the frame of Names, is the verse, “A perpetual fire shall be kept burning on the altar; it shall not be extinguished.” (Vayikrah 6:6), which sacred sources note is a segulah to dispel impure thoughts.

The words of Parshas Hayirah, the section from the Torah recited to enhance Yiras Shamayim, and several chapters of Tehillim, also in interwoven and intricate micrography, border the columns. Surrounding this are impressive colorful drawings of animals depicting the verse in the Mishnah, “Be bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer, and strong as a lion.”

The bottom of the artwork features the Tablets (or tombstones) inscribed with Kabbalistic prayers and mussar, which were apparently composed by the author-artist. Medallions containing words of moral and inspirational teachings emerge from a balcony or fence on top, with various inscriptions and decorations scattered around them.

All this is framed by a thick, attractive border with vegetal designs that use a negative painting technique in which the full coloring around the designs creates the pattern which remains uncolored.

The year 5587 (1826/7) appears at the bottom of the border, as well as the words “Shenas Geulah” (Year of Redemption) which shares the numerical value of 5587.

Surrounding this are two additional borders. The first is a colorless border with wording resembling a prayer for forgiveness and atonement, likely another original composition by the author, while the second boasts beautiful designs of animals and floral patterns within semicircles, where once again, the beauty of the design is created by the artistic color background that emphasizes the striking internal patterns.

A magnificent, extremely rare item!
Condition: Fair to good; wrinkles, minor tears, and fading, especially in the text.
Size: Height: 49 cm. Width: 45.5 cm.
Provenance: Yechezkel Toporowitz Collection


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