
Lot : 14

Illuminated Amsterdam Haggadah, 1712
Haggadah with Illustrations and map of Eretz Yisrael

Start price: $8,000
Est. Price: $12,000 - $18,000

Illuminated Amsterdam Haggadah, 1712
Haggadah with Illustrations and map of Eretz Yisrael

Spectacular Haggadah with striking copperplate illustrations and a detailed map of the borders of Eretz Yisrael. This is one of the most beautiful and impressive Haggadahs ever printed.

The present Haggadah boasts 17 copperplate illustrations that span a half-page or more each, initialed letters, a full-page illustrated flyleaf, and a large folded map delineating the borders of Eretz Yisrael and its division among the Tribes. This Haggadah is the work of famed Jewish artist Avraham Hager.

In 1695, the first illustrated Haggadah was printed by the Amsterdam Jewish press, instigating a revolution in the creation and printing of illustrated Haggadahs. Less than 20 years later, in 1712, this Haggadah was reprinted to include important changes and new illustrations (see report of the current printing by B. Ruth, HaHaggadah Hametzuyeret B’dfus. Areshet vol. 3 p. 24).

The renowned Jewish artist Avraham Bar Yaakov whose printed autograph appears in the corner of the map was a righteous Jewish convert. Originally a priest from the German Rhineland, he journeyed to Amsterdam where he converted, underwent circumcision and acquired the Jewish name of Avraham Bar Yaakov. In a short time, he gained renown among the community as a talented artist and expert engraver who illustrated many title pages of sefarim, drew portraits and illustrated books.

Content of Haggadah: Haggadah shel Pesach with commentaries by the Abarbanel, Maasei Hashem, Matteh Aharon and Chevel Bnei Yehuda with instructions in Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino.

Amsterdam, 1712. Solomon Propes Press.
Page Count: 31 leaves, [1] folded map.

Page Size: 33.5 cm. Two title pages; copperplate illustrated flyleaf. Map size when open: 32.5 x 50 cm.
Condition: Complete in good condition; water stains mostly in margins; folded map is water stained; signs of tears on folds, but reinforced, with all text intact; new binding.

Bibliography: Otzar HaHaggados #120.

Provenance: Yechezkel Toporowitch Collection

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