
Lot : 4

Hagahos Maharshal
First Edition
Cracow, 1582

Start price: $10,000
Est. Price: $15,000 - $20,000
Hagahos Maharshal
First Edition
Cracow, 1582
Sefer Yesod!         Complete.           Rare.
Chochmas Shlomo on the Shas by the Maharshal. Cracow, 1582. First Edition.
Chochmas Shlomo contains the Maharshal’s comments and corrections on the Shas, copied from the glosses of his personal Gemara and published by his children.
This work contains the Maharshal’s notes and corrections on the 19 tractates most commonly studied in yeshivos during his time. Each tractate has its own page count. It appears that it was originally published in separate booklets in order of the tractates studied in the Yeshivos, and only afterward were they all bound together into one complete volume.
As a result, very few complete copies containing all 19 booklets exist.
(The order of the tractates in available copies differs one from another, indicating that the book was published as separate booklets and later bound together as one book.)
Immediately upon the publication of the Maharshal’s notes, printers proofread the Talmud according to his corrections; and they were first printed in the Constantinople Shas, 1583-1585. Most later editions of Shas included the Maharshal’s comments, however, the publishers have abridged, changed, or omitted parts of the original text, without ever printing the full text of the sefer. This original version contains the complete text of the Maharshal’s commentary and is essential to fully understanding the Maharshal’s corrections and explanations.

This sefer is the one and only sefer to receive an approbation from the Rema!

Cracow, 1582. First Edition. 18cm. In their preface, the Maharshal’s sons relate that they printed the sefer in a small format “So everyone will be able to easy to carry it easily.”
Total: 595 leaves. (see below for detailed page count)
Complete copy in good condition. Miniscule holes on a few pages at the end of tractate Chulin and beginning of tractate Nidah. Thick volume, bound in new attractive leather binding.


The Chasam Sofer wrote on the Hagahos Maharshal:

“This genius toiled to correct and amend most errors in Shas… He illuminated and purified Shas from all stumbling blocks…” (Excerpted from his approbation to Tzohar L’Binyan)
Stefansky Sifrei Yesod #63
[Provenance: Lunzer-Valmadonna Collection]
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Detailed page count:
Brachos: 17 leaves,
Shabbos: 61 leaves,
Eiruvin: 44 leaves,
Pesachim: 40 leaves,
Succah: 22 [1] leaves,
Beitzah: 12 leaves,
Yevamos: 52 leaves,
Kesubos: 33 leaves,
Sotah: 19 leaves,
Gittin: 28 leaves,
Kiddushin: 34 leaves,
Bava Kama: 27 leaves,
Bava Metziah: 34 leaves,
Bava Basra: 69 leaves,
Sanhedrin: 39 leaves,
Makkos: 10 leaves,
Shvuos: 13 leaves,
Chulin: 24 leaves,
Niddah: 16 leaves.
 (The above list is printed in order of the Shas, although the sefer was printed and bound in a different tractate order.)
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