
Lot : 33

The Rebbe's
Komarna Chumashim

Start price: $20,000
Est. Price: $30,000 - $40,000
The Rebbe’s
Komarna Chumashim
Chumash Heichal Habracha Personal Copy of Rabbi Yoel of Satmar
Komarna Chumashim Particularly Cherished by the Admor of Satmar
Two volumes of Chumash with the Heichal Habracha commentary based on the teachings of kabbalah of the Ar”i Z”l and the Baal Shem Tov, by the Admor Rabbi Yitzchok Yehuda Yechiel Safrin of Komarna.
Chumash Heichal Habracha by the Admor of Komarna was very precious and holy in the eyes of the Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar and he would frequently learn and study from these chumashim.
A fascinating story regarding these Chumashim on how they reached the Holy Reb Yoel of Satmar, was related by Rabbi Chanoch Henich Berkovitz:
The Holy Gaon Rabbi Yoel of Satmar once stayed in Chost in the house of Rabbi Avraham Yosef Rappaport, one of the leaders of the Chost community. And he had in his home ‘Kamarna Chomshim’ which at that time was very rare, during his stay upon seeing the Chumashim the Rebbe Zt”l learned from them multiple times. The host Rabbi Avraham Yosef asked the Rebbe Zt”l why he is studying from the ‘Kamarna Chumoshim’ so often “Is the Rebbe A Komarna Chassid?? The Rebbe replied, “These Chumashim are very important and dear to me and I don’t have them in my house, so it’s a wonderful opportunity for me to learn from them now. The host then asked: If the Rebbe Z”l would be willing to receive these Chumashim as a gift. To which the Rebbe replied that he would be very pleased to receive the Chumashim. Rabbi Avraham Yosef was delighted to have this zechus and provided the Chumashim as a gift to the Rebbe Z”l for which he was very grateful. (Nitzoti Tamar p. 93-94)
2 volumes – Shemos and Vayikra includes Shir Hashirim with Arugos Habosem commentary by Rabbi Moshe Ostror of Brod.
On each of the volumes appear the seals of the Satmar Rebbe Z”l in purple ink.
Yoel Teitelbaum Ab”d of Kehila Kedosha Karoli and its environs..” the famous Admor of Satmar and author of DIvrey Yoel from the time he served as Rav in Karoli.
Original leather bindings engraved with name of owner: Shaul Rappaport.
Lemberg 1866-1869
Page count: volume 2 Shemos, 320 [46] leaves
                      Volume 3 Vayikra, 2 title pages, 106, 108-300 [11] leaves, Shir Hashirim 1 title page, [3], 15-62 leaves
Page size: 27.5 cm
Condition: high quality paper, with stains and tears, slight moth damage. One of the 2 title pages of Chumash Shemos is missing. Original leather bindings worn with tears and minor moth damage (can be restored).
Both Chumashim are preserved in ornate leather cases.
Stefansky Sifrei Chassidus #218
Heichal Beracha- Special Segulah Sefer
In the author’s letter to his followers in Hungary regarding the distributions of the Chumashim with the Heichal Habracha commentary he writes of the special Segulah and blessing of possessing the sefer:

It is clear to me that whoever possesses our chumash in his home will be saved from all evil and from all calamities, he will be saved from illnesses and his home will be full of Hashems blessings, and all the best, with an abundance of success and plentiful richness, long life for him and his family…. And he should be blessed with life and prosperity chesed and rachamim from heaven and he shall merit to be decreed for a long healthy life.


The Admor Rabbi Yitzchok Aizik Yehuda Yechuel Safrin of Komarna (1806-1874) one of the greatest Admorim in his times, known for his vast knowledge in Kabbalah and is famous for his holiness and righteousness. He learned kabbalah from his uncle Rabbi Tzvi Hersh of Zidichov. Was a wondrous tzaddik who attested on himself that he has from the souls of the Baal Shem Tov and the Ar”i Z”l. In his introduction to the sefer Zohar Chai his son relates ‘ many times I have seen with my own eyes people who have come to ask for blessings for healing of ill people. Astonishingly the Admor of Komarna would predict whether the patient will survive or not, similar to what is mentioned in the Talmud on Rabbi Chanina Ben Dosa. He also authored Otzar Hachaim, Nesiv Mitzvosecha, Asiris Haeifa, Notzer Chessed, and more.
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