Lot : 27

Avodas Yisroel by the
Kozhnitzer Maggid
First Edition.
Yozapof, 1842

Rare printing with wide margins.

Start price: $6,000
Est. Price: $8,000 - $12,000
Avodas Yisroel by the
Kozhnitzer Maggid
First Edition.
Yozapof, 1842

Rare printing with wide margins.

Sefer Avodas Yisroel by the Holy Kozhnitzer Maggid – Rabbi Yisroel Hopstein Zt”l from the yesodos of Sifrei Chassidus.
Unique copy with extra wide margins, complete with the two title pages and the rare page of approbations.
Avodas Yisroel – Chassidic and Kabbailistic commentary on Chamisa Chumshei Torah, Haftoros, essays on Shabbos and holidays, commentary on Pirkei Avos, Chidushim on Maseches Chulin, and selected writings.
The Maggid Rabbi Yisroel Hopstein of Kozhnitz (1737- 1815) a holy and saintly Tzaddik known for his outstanding wisdom in Kabbalah. Of the greatest influencers of the chassidic world, who was immensely admired by all chassidim. Considered to be the leader of chassidim in his generation together with the Chozeh of Lublin. Born with the blessing of the Baal Shem Tov who served as well as his Sandak, studied under the Maggid of Mezritch, Rabbi Shmelka of Nikulshburg and was one of the four talmidim of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk who received his spiritual path.
The majority of the following generation of chassidim masters, were talmidim of the Kozhnitzer maggid, amongst them; the Chidushei Hari’m, the Yismach Moshe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa, the Bney Yisoschor and many more.
The Maggid was a prolific author and wrote dozens of books in Torah, Kabbala, and Chassidus.. However, his sefer ‘Avodas Yisroel’ is the most famous and is one of the foundational books in chassidus.
Rare Haskamos
Printed in this sefer is the rare page of additional Haskamos, which was added to some of the copies after the original printing, this page is slightly shorter and printed on different paper than the rest of the book’s pages.
On this page, additional important haskamos have been added: by Rabbi Chaim of Sanz, Rabbi Mordechai David Unger of Dombrova and Rabbi Aryeh Liv Lifshitz Author of Aryeh Dbei Ilai (these haskamos were not printed in the following editions and were reprinted only in the edition published in 1965). 
Other haskamos on pages [2-3] by great Chasiddic masters; the author’s grandson Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel of Moglinza, the Saba Kadisha of Radoshitz, the Rabbi Yitzchak of Workov, and the author’s students the Chidushei Hari’m and Rabbi Yeshaya Muscat of Prague.
Two title pages, the first is in bluish color.
Yozapof 1842 First Edition.
Page count: [5], 90 32 leaves
Size: 26 cm.
 Lower margin width: 7 cm
Condition: The margin of the first title page is from a standard copy without wide margins, the margins have been completed in this copy to compare to the size of the rest of the book’s pages.
In the second title page and a few additional pages, restorations in the margins, tiny holes, on all pages.
Nice new leather binding.

: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod No. 389
                        Stefansky, Chassidut No. 452
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