
Lot : 23

Pri Eitz Chaim by Rabbi Chaim Vital
Russia, 1779
Unknown version with kabbalistic hagaoss

Start price: $8,000
Est. Price: $12,000 - $18,000
Pri Eitz Chaim by Rabbi Chaim Vital
Russia, 1779
Unknown version with kabbalistic hagaoss
Kabbalistic intentions for week-day prayers.                                                                                                                                                                               
Pri Eitz Chaim – manuscript contains Kabbalistic intentions for week-day prayers based on the writings of Rabbi Chaim Vital, arranged according to chapters called ‘Shearim’. 
Ashkenazic script, 1779
The colophon states: “Sefer Pri Eitz Chaim was completed, with the grace of Hashem blessed is His Name eternally, on the twelfth of the month of Teves in year 5539 (1779)…Dovid ben Zev Wolf.
Pri Eitz Chaim was compiled based on the writings of Rabbi Chaim Vital. There are two known versions of this sefer compiled in the 1600s, the first being the version edited by Rabbi Nosson Shapira (Koritz, 1782) and the other by Rabbi Meir Poppers (ibid 1785). The subsequent Dobrovna, 1804 edition uses elements from both works.
The order of the ‘shearim’ in the present manuscript, which was written long before the printed editions, does not correspond to either the Koritz or Dobrovna editions of the sefer.
 It appears that the text of this manuscript was edited and improved for precision.
The sefer opens with [3 leaves] comprising the foreword of Rabbi Nosson Shapira which appears in many prints. The 19 next leaves which are called “Preface to Pri Eitz Chaim” in the present manuscript encompass an anthology of Rabbi Chaim Vital’s writings that differ from the printed preface. There is no other known similar anthology anywhere.
Scattered throughout the leaves of this manuscript are kabbalistic glosses. The glosses begin with the initials A.D. or “Amar Dovid, (Dovid said)”. The same Dovid also inscribed the fascinating passage regarding tefillin described below.
 “Know, my son, that my Rashi tefillin are from a pious and sacred G-d-fearing chassid from the city of Lubir whose name is R’ Leib z”l; and my Rabbeinu Tam tefillin is from the renowned chassid Rabbi Wolf of the city of Alik zt”l. Therefore, know that they are precious as gold and pearls. Fortunate are these tzaddikim in this world and in the world to come. The humble Dovid ben Zev zt”l.”
The flyleaf boasts the provenance of Dovid ben Zev; Dovid ben Zev Shapira; the youth Dovid Segal of the holy congregation… The final page also has a list of owners and other signatures.
Russia, 1779. [5], 276 leaves (total 560 sides). Page Size: 20×16 cm. Thick paper with very few holes in the margins of the first 5 pages. Otherwise a beautiful manuscript in good condition.
The order of the shearim: Shar Hatfila; Brachos; Tzitzis; Tefillin; Korbanos; Kaddish; Zemiros; Krias Shema; Amidah; Amenim; Vayavor; Ha’alas Miyayin Nokvin; Krias Sefer Torah; Tashlumin; Mincha and Arvis; Krias Shema al Hamittah; Tikkun Chatzos. (see – Yosef Avivi compares the order of the shearim of Rabbi Nosson Shapira and Rabbi Meir Poppers [Moriah, Sivan, 1981 pps. 85-86).
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