
Lot : 18


Sefer Yesod

Derisha and Perisha on Yoreh Deah and Even HaEzer
First Edition Lublin 1635-1638

Start price: $10,000
Est. Price: $15,000 - $20,000


Sefer Yesod

Derisha and Perisha on Yoreh Deah and Even HaEzer
First Edition Lublin 1635-1638
Sefer Derisha and Perisha on Tur Yoreh Deah and Even Ha’ezer by Rabbi Yehoshua Falk Katz, author of the Sma’a [Sefer Meiras Einayim] – talmid of the Rema and the Marshal.
Sefer Derisha and Perisha is one of the most important works on the Tur, and one of the great commentators to be printed alongside the Tur and Bais Yosef. 
The sefer also called ‘Beis Israel’ is divided into two works. The ‘Perisha’ which contains explanations and commentary on the Tur and ‘Derisha‘ which contains Chidushim and discussions on matters mentioned in the Tur.
Brought to print by his son Rabbi Yosef Katz with glosses from him titled ‘Kesones Pasim’.
This first edition contains the complete commentary from the Derisha, following editions omitted many important sections. As noted by the Chida in his sefer Shem Hagedolim – Perisha and Derisha.
The Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Polak Katz of Levov (1555-c -1614). Author of the Sm”a [Sefer Meiras Einayim] (on Shulchan Aruch), and Derisha u’Perisha on the Tur. He was a talmid of the Rema and the Maharshal. One of the greatest Achronim and of the pillars of poskim in practical halacha, whose sefarim established the basic commentary for the Tur and Shulchan Aruch.
He served as  Rosh Yeshiva of the famous Yeshiva in Lvov whose talmidim included many of the great Achronim, among them: Rabbi Yehoshua of Carcow author of Maginei Shlomo, Rabbi Yisochar Ber Eilenburg author of Be’er Sheva, Rabbi Avraham Rappaport author of Shu”t Eitan Ha’Ezrachi and Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi, the father of the Shach.
The Bach addressed him in a letter: “The great light that shines by day and night ….Yehoshua’s face radiates like the face of the sun and the moon, who has clarity in halacha to know when to rule permissibly or prohibitively…. leader of the tribes of Israel… The genius who has wisdom and understanding, a scholar who continuously studies torah, the candle and light of Israel, its glory its honor and praise, our Master and Rabbi, Rabbi Yoshua Valk Cohen Tzedek” (Shu”t HaBac”h ch. 78)
Yore Dea – Lublin 1635. First Edition. 356 leaves Size: 31 cm.
Even HaEzer – Lublin 1638. First Edition. 210 leaves. Size: 28.7 cm.
The Drisha on Orach Chaim and Chosen Mishpat were printed many years later (Frankfurt-Berlin 1717-1767)
Condition: in the Yoreh Deah volume, some of the pages are dark, some holes and light tears in the last pages.
Two volumes bound in ornate new leather bindings.
Stefansky Sifrey Yesod No. 156
Owners’ signatures: on Yoreh Deah: Ya’akov ben Vilisaid, Nissim ben Zion Benbanshet. on Even HaEzer: signature of Rabbi Shlomo Hirschel Ab”d London son of the Gaon Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Berlin grandson of the Chacham Tzvi.
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