
Lot : 1

Zithomir Shas
Beautiful Impressive Set
Complete 20 Volume

Start price: $10,000
Est. Price: $15,000 - $25,000
Zithomir Shas
Beautiful Impressive Set
Complete 20 Volume
Original leather binding.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Talmud Bavli – magnificent Shas from the Zithomir Edition 1858-1864.
With Halachos of the Ri’f. Published by Rabbi Chanina Yom Tov Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heshil Shapiro, grandchildren of the famed Rabbi Moshe Shapiro of Slavita.
20 volumes printed on superior quality regal paper, with very wide margins, in their original Zhitomir bindings.
The magnificent Zithomir Shas printed between the years 1858-1864 is fundamentally based on the Shas Slavita printed by their grandfather Rabbi Moshe Shapira, with expansions and additions that are not in the Slavita Shas.
The additions include: Chidushei Maharam Schiff, Sefer Meir Nesiv by Rabbi Shabai Katz Ab”d of Sokolov from the descendants of the Shach (this commentary was omitted from later editions printed in Vilna, Warsaw and Lemberg) as well as commentaries Binyan Yehoshua and Nachlas Yaakov on Mashechtos Ketanos.
There are also additions to the Halachos of the Ri”f printed in Zithomir for the first time. Such as Hilchos Nedarim from the Ramban and his commentaries. Hagaos Chavas Yair on the Ri”f, and Hagaos from the Rema on the Mordechai published based on manuscripts. As well as Hilchos Bechoros and Challa by the Ramban with the Maharit Elgazi’s commentary (with separate title page) and more.

Shapiro Press in Zitomir

The printing house of the Shapiro family in Zitomir began operating in 1847, it was founded by the brothers Rabbi Chanina Lipa, Rabbi Yehoshua Heshil and Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapiro, sons of Rabbi Shmuel Abba of Slavita son of the renowned Rabbi Moshe Shapiro Ab”d of Slavita son of the Admor Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz.
They continued the tradition of the family printing house from Slavita and printed only holy books and prayer books with purity and kedusha.
The printing house became famous for the beauty of the books they published.
The seforim printed in Zhitomir were highly sought by Chassidic Admorim and Tzaddikim, due to the fact that all their seforim were printed with purity and kedusha by the sons of Tzaddikim.
One of the highlights of their printing is without a doubt – the Shas Zhitomir which was printed with superior quality and beauty and with new additions.
List of the Masechtos in the 20 Volumes:
1) Maseches – Berachos and Mishnah Seder Zeraim
2) Maseches – Shabbos
3) Maseches – Eiruvin
4) Maseches – Pesachim, Chagigah
5) Maseches – Rosh Hashono, Yuma, Sukah
6) Maseches – Beitza, Taanis, Moed Katan, Megilah, Shkalim
7) Maseches – Yevamos, Sotah
8) Maseches – Kesuvos
9) Maseches – Gittin, Nazir
10)Maseches – Kidushin, Nedarim
11)Maseches – Baba Kama
12)Maseches – Baba Metziah
13)Maseches – Baba Basra
14)Maseches – Sanhedrin
15)Maseches – Makos, Horios, Eduyos, Avos DeRabbi Noson
16)Maseches – Shevuos, Avodah Zara
17)Maseches – Zevachim, Bechoros, Erchin, Kerisus, Meilah, Tamid, Hilchos Bechoros and Challa with Maharit Elgazi
18)Maseches – Menachos and Halachos Ketanos
19)Maseches – Chulin
20)Maseches – Nidah with Mishna Seder Taharos
List of printing year of the Shas:
1858 – Baba Kama, Shevuos, Avodah Zara
1859 – Baba Metziah, Baba Basra, Sanhedrin, Horios, Eduyos
1860 – Kesuvos, Makos, Zevachim, Menachos, Chulin
1861 – Pesachim, Chagigah, Bechoros, Erchin, Kerisus, Temura, Meilah, Nidah with Mishna Seder Taharos
1862 – Berachos and Mishnah Seder Zeraim, Shabbos, Eiruvin, Yevamos, Sotah
1863 – Gitin, Nazir
1864 – Rosh Hashono, Yuma, Sukah, Beitza, Taanis, Moed Katan, Megilah, Shkalim, Kidushin, Nedarim
“The walls of a person’s house bear witness to him” (Taanit 11a) 
Implying that the appearance of a person’s house reveals his character. When entering a kosher Jewish home, you can feel it in the atmosphere through the mezuzot on the doorposts and the pictures of Gedolei Yisroel on the walls, and in a wealthy home through the leather-bound Zithomir Shas sitting on the bookcase. (Imrei Shefer by the Rabbi of Charbin, author of Mishbrei Yam p. 7a)
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