Grand Winter Event
Auction #17

Part 1

Grand Winter Event
Auction #17

Part 2

of 4 pages

Lot : 51

Amudei Golah by
the Smak
First  Edition
Constantinople, 1510
    Kushta Raish    Sefer yesod              Over 500 year old sefer!     …

Lot : 52

Piskei Challah L’HaRashba
First Edition
Constantinople, 1515-1520

Kushta Reish         Sefer Yesod       Halachos and halachic rulings concerning the laws of challah…

Lot : 53

First printed work on Hilchos Treifos
by Rabbi Dovid ben Yichya
First Edition.
Constantinople, 1515-1520
  Laws of treifos with practical halachah and directives by Rabbi Dovid ben Yichya, based on the practices of Spain…

Lot : 54

Sefer Yesod
Shu”t HaRosh
First Edition
Constantinople, 1517
  Kushta Reish – Constantinople,   Shailos and Teshuvos by Rabbeinu Asher ben Yechiel, the Rosh. Shu”t HaRosh is one…

Lot : 55

Nahar Pishon
by Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav
First Edition. Constantinople, 1538

Kushta Reish   Drushim on Tanach and on lessons of Chazal by the great 15th century Rabbi, scholar and Kabbalist…

Lot : 56

Michlol Yofi
First Edition
Constantinople, 1549
  Commentary on the entire Tanach by Rabbi Shlomo ben Melech.   Important commentary on the 24 books of Tanach including…

Lot : 57

Zichron Toras Moshe
First Edition.
Constantinople, 1554
  Large, comprehensive sefer referencing all teachings of Chazal on Aggadah cited in the Talmud Bavli, Yerushalmi and Midrash Rabba,…

Lot : 58

Sefer Yesod
Shu”t HaRe’em
First Edition
Constantinople, 1560
    Shailos and teshuvos on practical halachah by the Re’em, Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi.   Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi (1452-1525) was…

Lot : 59

Rare Kushta Print!
Maamar Mordechai
on Megilas Ester
First Edition.
Constantinople, 1585
  An important, comprehensive commentary on Megillas Esther by Rabbi Shem Tov Melamed. The text of the Megillah is printed…

Lot : 60

Midrash Talpiyos
First Edition. Constantinople, circa 1720
    Midrash Talpiyos, by Rabbi Eliyahu Hakohein of Izmir, in which he compiled an anthology of midrashim, and teachings…

Lot : 61

Teshuvos HaRambam

 Venice, 1544

  Igros Le HaMaor Hagadol – Letters to the Great Torah Luminary, Shailos, teshuvos and letters from Rabbi Moshe ben…

Lot : 62

Moreh Nevuchim
from the Rambam 
in Its Original Arabic

Dlela Alchirin دلالة الحائرين - the manuscript of the Guide to the Perplexed (Moreh Nevuchim) in its original Arabic! All…

Lot : 63

Guide for the Perplexed
The Rambam’s Moreh Nevuchim.
Venice, 1551
  Sefer Yesod The Rambam’s monumental work Moreh Nevuchim discusses fundamental topics of Jewish faith and theology and is regarded…

Lot : 64

Halachos Gedolos
First Edition

Venice, 1548

Sefer Yesod List of the 613 mitzvos Halachos, halachic rulings and a list of the 613 mitzvos. This classic and…

Lot : 65

First work on the mitzvos of Eretz Yisrael!
Kaftor Vaferach
First Edition. Venice, 1548
  The sefer Kaftor Vaferach by Rabbi Ashtori Haparchi, the very first researcher and historian of Eretz Yisrael, is the…

Lot : 67

Shu”t HaRashba
First Edition. Bologna, 1539
with Handwritten Glosses by Rabbi Betzalel Rensburg
  Sefer Yesod Shailos and teshuvos by Rabbeinu Shlomo ben Aderes, the Rashba. The Rashba’s teshuvos were printed over the…

Lot : 68

Shu”t HaRashba
First Edition. Livorno, 1657

Shailos and teshuvos by Rabbeinu Shlomo ben Aderes, the Rashba. The Rashba’s teshuvos were printed over the course of many…

Lot : 69

Avodas Hakodesh L’HaRashba
Baalei Hanefesh L’HaRaavad
First Edition. Venice, 1602
  Two Fundamental Sefarim by the Early Rishonim! 1. Avodas Hakodesh – Laws of eiruvin, Yom Tov and muktzeh by…

Lot : 70

Sefer Yesod
Sefer Yere’im
First Edition.
Venice, 1566
  Halachic Fundamental. Commentary on the 613 mitzvos by the great Ashkenazi Rishon Rabbi Eliezer of Metz. This fundamental halachic…

Lot : 71

Sefer Haterumos
First Edition.
Salonika, 1596

  Fundamental Sefer on Choshen Mishpat Comprehensive halachic work on monetary matters by Rabbi Shmuel Hasardi, one of the 13th…

Lot : 72

Important Discovery!
Manuscript of
Several Fundamental Works from
the Rishonim.
Prague, 1579
  An invaluable manuscript containing a collection of essays, which together comprise the legacy of Ashkenazic Rishonim regarding the laws…

Lot : 73

Shu”t Maharam Rothenburg
First Edition. Cremona, 1557
Autographed by the Baal Shem of Michelstadt
  Sefer Yesod Rishonim Distinguished provenance! Shu”t Mahara”m of Rothenburg is one of the foundational authoritative halacha sefarim discussed and…

Lot : 74

The Alshich Hakadosh Responsa
First Edition. Venice, 1605
  Shailos and teshuvos regarding practical halachah by Rabbi Moshe Alshich, the Alshich Hakadosh. Rabbi Moshe Alshich (circa 1508-1600), received…

Lot : 75

Shu”t Maharam of Lublin
First Edition
Venice, 1618
  Sefer Yesod Halachic masterpiece arranged in shailos and teshuvos by Rabbi Meir, Av Beis Din of Lublin. Rabbi Meir…

Lot : 76

Shu”t Rabbi Akiva Eiger
First Edition
Warsaw, 1835
  Sefer Yesod “Shu”t Rabbi Akiva Eiger overflows with Ruach hakodesh” (Avnei Nezer, cited in Meoran shel Yisrael Vol. 2…

Lot : 77

Book of Yosifon in Yiddish
Bound Together With
First Edition of She’aris Yisrael. Amsterdam, 1743
  1. Book of Yosifon – History of the Jewish people beginning with Adam Harishon and spanning the eras of…

Lot : 78

Seder Olam
Megillas Taanis
Venice, 1545
Megillas Taanis was compiled in the time of the bais Hamikdash The collection contains:. Seder Olam Rabba – Lists the…

Lot : 79

Jewish history!
Shalsheles Hakabbalah.
First Edition.
Venice, 1587
  Sefer Yesod Historical-geographical work by Chacham Rabbi Gedalya Ibn Yichya. This work documents the history of the world from…

Lot : 80

Yichus Hatzaddikim
Venice, 1599
Guide for touring the holy sites in E"Y
  A first hand description of the burial sites of the tzaddikim of Eretz Yisrael, “the holy Avos…Prophets, Tannaim and…

Lot : 81

History of Gedolei Yisrael and their Sefarim
Shem Hagedolim by the Chida
First Edition. Livorno, 1774
Sefer Yesod Primary bibliographical and biographical work by Rabbeinu Chaim Yosef David Azzoulay, the Chida, documenting the lives and writings…

Lot : 82

Shaarei Teshuvah
by Rabbeinu Yonah
Shapira Press.
Zhitomir, 1848
    Shaarei Teshuvah by Rabbeinu Yonah of Gerona, one of the early Rishonim, is the foundational source of later…

Lot : 83

Chumash Ohr Hachaim

with Siddur


Shapira Press. ‎Zhitomir, 1860‎


Complete 5 volume set.‎

‎ ‎ Chamishah Chumshei Torah with the Ohr Hachaim’s commentary and an additional ‎commentary by a disciple of the Chida.…

Lot : 84

Kisvei Kodesh



Shapira Press.
Zhitomir, 1856
    Beautiful sefer with extra-wide margins!     Sefer Tehillim and Mishlei from the popular Shapira Press Kisvei Kodesh…

Lot : 85

Machzorim for High Holy Days & Three Festivals
Shapira Press.
Slavita, 1826
2-Volume Set
  Order of prayers for the High Holy Days and three festivals in Polish rite, following the customs of Pihem,…

Lot : 86

Slavita Shas!

Rabbi Moshe Shapira’s Press

Slavita, 1817-1822

Pristine Full 20-Volume Set!

  A treasure trove of excellence and sanctity! Complete 20-volume set of Shas from the famed Slavita Press printed by…

Lot : 87

Early Chassidic work

Rav Yaivy
First Edition.
Slavita, 1792‎
Impressive wide-margin copy with original binding .‎   Essays on Chassidus, commentary on the Torah, Tehillim, mussar and chiddushim on…

Lot : 88

Meohr Einayim
First Edition.
Slavita, 1798
  Fundamental Chassidic Sefer Volume 1: Meohr Einayim – Commentary on Torah and anthology of lessons by the Baal Shem…

Lot : 89

Sacred Letter by the Admor Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz
Author of Divrei Chaim. Sanz, 1868   “Children, life and bountiful sustenance!” Sacred letter replete with blessings by the saintly…

Lot : 90

Letter by the Admor Rabbi Yechezkel of Shinova
New letter discovered! Letter by the holy Admor Rabbi Yechezkel of Shinova, son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz and…

Lot : 91

Important Letter by the Admor Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam
requesting to rescue him to Eretz Yisrael
  The Razhporter pleading to save his life A poignant letter by the Admor Rabbi Shalom Eliezer of Ratzfert regarding…

Lot : 92

Letter of Blessing by the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Yeshaya of Chechov Hy”d,
Youngest Son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz.
Cracow, undated “May the merit of my master, my father and teacher, the holy genius, author of the Divrei Chaim…

Lot : 93

Progenitor of the Bobov dynasty
Letter of Blessings by the Admor
Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov. 1901
  Autographed letter replete with blessings by the first Admor of Bobov Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam in honor of the marriage…

Lot : 94

Letter by the Admor Rabbi Moshe Unger of Tzfas
Son-in-Law of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. 1897
  Long letter by the Admor Rabbi Moshe Unger of Tzfas, oldest son-in-law and close disciple of the Admor Divrei…

Lot : 95

Letter of Blessings by the Admor
Rabbi Elazar Weissblum of Reisha. 1908
  “I received the p[idyon] n[efesh], and Hashem…should help your son tomorrow… I hereby bless you and your family with…

Lot : 96

Letter by the Admor Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Rubin of Cheshinov
Ancestor of the Bobover Dynasty. Tomashov, 1932
  Handwritten and autographed latter of the Admor Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Rubin, Av Beis Din of Cheshinov and grandson of…

Lot : 97

“The page is too short to contain the terrible tribulations we have suffered”
Chilling Letter by Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Yashlick Hy”d
  describing the suffering he and his family endured from the Nazi Germans ym”s. Bardejov, 1942    Heartrending historical account…

Lot : 98

Historical  Letter by
Rabbi Chaim Halevi Soloveitchik
Av Beis Din of Brisk. 1909
  “The essence of the Jewish Rabbinate, in its true meaning, is to teach the nation Hashem’s Torah and Emunah,…

Lot : 99

Compelling Letter
by the Avnei Nezer. 1909

“The greatest threat to traditional Judaism is the lack of Achdus... ”

This Sacred Letter features both the Avnei Nezer’s autograph, “Hak[atan] Avraham of Sochatchov” and stamp and was handwritten by his son and…

Lot : 100

Sacred Autographed Letter by the
Imrei Emes of Gur

  “Everyone will know that faith and Judaism are not hefker!” Long letter by the Admor Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter…

Lot : 101

Letter by the Admor Rabbi Aharon Menachem Mendel of

“Together, we shall all endeavor for the sake of Hashem and our holy Torah” Strongly-worded letter by the Admor Rabbi…
of 4 pages