Commentary on the Megillos
Rabbi Don Yosef Ibn Yichye
First Edition, 1538
Astonishing! predicted the Jews’ return to Eretz Yisrael c.1948!
Commentary on the Five Megillos and Kesuvim by Rabbi Yosef Ibn Yichya. Bologna, 1538
Commentary on the five megillot and on Tehilim, Mishlei, Daniel, Ezra, Divrey HaYamim.
Like many Torah sages and scholars, Rabbi Don Yosef Ibn Yichya attempted to calculate the time of the final Redemption. His predictions are astoundingly accurate in light of events that transpired centuries later.
In his commentary on Daniel he writes:
“At the end of approximately five thousand and seven hundred years ((5700= 1940) to the creation of the world, perhaps slightly before or after, our time will come with the help of Hashem so Bnei Yisrael may dwell securely in their Land.”
Rabbi Don Yosef continues “ Three hundred years from the sixth millennium, so that it will be revealed before all that the truth is with them, and they will enjoy this world in body and soul, in exchange for their punishment of exile among the nations, in body and soul.”
Three hundred years from the sixth millennium of the Hebrew calendar is the year 1940, and “several years later” could easily mean 1948, the year the State of Israel was founded . “They will enjoy this world in body and soul, in place of their suffering in exile among the nations, in body and soul, ”
Rabbi Don Yosef Ibn Yichya (1496-1539) recounts his life story in the preface to his sefer Torah Ohr, one of the many heartrending stories of Spanish Jewry of that era. During her first month of pregnancy, his mother fled Portugal to Italy to flee the Inquisition. Upon her arrival in Pisa, Italy, she once again faced another spiritual trial and she chose to jump off a roof in order to preserve her modesty.Miraculously, both she and her unborn child survived. She then continued to Florence where she gave birth to Rabbi Don Yosef in 1496. They subsequently moved, settling near Bologna where Rabbi Don Yosef dwelled until he passed away in 1539. His remains were sent for burial in Tzfas. Rabbi Don Yosef’s son Rabbi Gedalya Ibn Yicha relates in his famous work Shalsheles Hakabbalah that Rabbi Yosef Karo personally arranged his father’s burial.
Bologna, 1538. First Edition. Page Count: 40, 122 leaves.
Page Size: 28 cm.
Condition: Attractive copy printed on high-quality paper with slight restoration of margins on several leaves. Quality new leather binding.
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