Extremely rare!
Maharsha, Chiddushei Aggados.
First Edition.
Lublin, 1627
Commentary on Aggados of Shas by Rabbi Shmuel ben Eliezer Edeles, the Maharsha.
Beautiful, complete copy in exquisite condition!
First volume of the Maharsha’s Chiddushei Aggados, this sefer was brought to print during the Maharsha’s lifetime.
It was edited by his brother, Rabbi Shaul Shimon Edeles of Lublin.
In his famous preface to his magnum opus, the Maharsha outlines the foundations of his commentary on Aggados in Shas, demonstrating how Chazal drew their drashos from the pesukim in the Torah, and presents guidance on how to interpret the deep words of chaza”l, which are often written in the form of parables and seem difficult to comprehend.
The Maharsha Rabbi Shmuel ben Eliezer Edeles (1555-1632) was one of the greatest Torah luminaries in the era of the early Achronim. He served as Rav in Ostroh where he led a prominent yeshivah. His chiddushim on Shas, divided into Chiddushei Halachos and Chiddushei Aggados, are foundational to the understanding of Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
Written with Ruach Hakodesh
The Maharsha’s chiddushim on Shas are renowned for their depth and razor-sharp precision as they clarify the very essence of the Gemara. They were universally accepted as foundational to the study and clarification of peshat of the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
Gedolei Yisrael throughout the generations effusively praised his works, describing them as “Illuminating our eyes in all of Shas” (Shu”t Noda B’Yehudah, Even Haezer Ch. 31) to the extent that many said they were written with ruach hakodesh (She’eris Yisrael by Rabbi Yisrael Vilednik citing the Baal Shem Tov; Pri Megadim in Rosh Yosef).
The Maharsha’s chiddushim on Aggados in Shas are likewise elemental to the study of Aggadeta: “And from there, the darshanim and interpreters attach it to the foundations of their explanations” (Chida in Shem Hagedolim).
This volume encompasses the Maharsha’s chiddushim on Masechtos Brachos, Shabbos and some Mishnayos in Zeraim, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin, Kiddushin, Nedarim, Sotah, Bava Kama, Bava Metziah, Bava Basra, Sanhedrin, Makkos, Shevuos, Edios, Avodah Zara, Horiyos, Zevachim, Menachos, Chullin, Bechoros, Erchin, Temurah, Krisus, Meilah, Kinnim, Tamid, Middos, Keilim, Negaim, Niddah, Yadayim and Uktzin.
Since its publication it has become an integral part of gemara study beloved by learners of all levels and has been added to the gemara in nearly all editions.
It is exceedingly rare to discover a copy of the Maharsha in such complete and exquisite condition.
Lublin, 1627. First edition. Page Count: [1], 125: 28, 7, 20, 54 leaves. Page Size: 20 cm. Title page lightly restored; margins of several leaves are cropped, but otherwise in good condition. New half-leather binding.
Bibliography: Stefansky Sifrei Yesod #67
Provenance: This copy was the property of Rabbi Mordechai Gumpel Shnaver, a talmid of the author of Korban Ha’eidah, a scholar, statesman and doctor by profession, renowned by the name Professor Levison. This sefer was bequeathed by the owner to the Great Synagogue in Altona.
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