Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld
Mattersdorf, 1906
Beautiful semichah letter written in verse and autographed by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld, Av Beis Din of Mattersdorf and great grandson of the Chasam Sofer. On the verso is a semichah letter by Rabbi Yosef Pressburger, Raavad of Mattersdorf and author of Tiferes Yosef.
Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld (1856-1926), Av Beis Din of Mattersdorf and author of Maaneh Simchah, was the son and successor of the Chassan Sofer Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld who was a son of Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Ehrenfeld, son-in-law of the Chasam Sofer.
Rabbi Simcha Bunim, also known as the Mattersdorfer Rav, was a talmid of both his father and the Ksav Sofer. In 1883, he succeeded his father as Av Beis Din and Rosh Yeshivah of Mattersdorf. His written legacy includes Maaneh Simchah on various sugyos in Shas.
Mattersdorf, 1906. Autographed personal stationery. Page size: 22×14 cm. Good condition.
Rabbi Yosef Pressburger (circa 1847-1924) was the Raavad of Mattersdorf and a talmid of the Ksav Sofer, Mahari Asad and Rabbi Michael Pupa of Serdahel. He married the daughter of Rabbi Aharon Zinger, Raavad of Mattersdorf and a talmid of the Chasam Sofer, and succeeded his father-in-law in 1895. Rabbi Yosef lived a life of abject poverty and abstinence. His family history and chiddushim, entitled Tiferes Yosef, were printed by his son-in-law and successor Rabbi Yisrael Taussig, Dayan of Mattersdorf and Yerushalayim.
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