Tefillas Haderech
Zoltzbach, 1793
To attend this auction live or leave absentee bids
Lot : 3
Tefillas Haderech
Zoltzbach, 1793
Lot : 8
Hamburg, 1769
on Parchment
Lot : 11
Ben Hamelech V’hanazir
Constantinople 1518
Mussar sefer from the Time of the Rishonim
Lot : 12
Ohr Hashem
by Rabbi Chasdai Crescas
First Edition
Ferrara, 1555
Lot : 15
Derech Emunah
First Edition
Constantiople, 1522
Lot : 16
Lot : 17
Abbreviated Reishis Chochmah
Tapuchei Zahav
First Edition
Mantua, 1623
Lot : 18
Ohr Amim
Rabbi Ovadia Sforno
Lot : 19
Menoras Hamaor
with Nefesh Yehuda Commentary
Amsterdam, 1700
Lot : 20
First Sefer Printed in Jerusalem!
Avodas Hakodesh
by the Chida
Jerusalem, 1841
Lot : 21
Menashe ben Israel
Amsterdam, 1635
Lot : 22
Amsterdam, 1676
First Tanach Printed
in Yiddish
Lot : 23
Court Oath Chumash
Vienna, 1808
Lot : 24
Chumash Ohr Hachaim
Zhitomir, 1860
with Siddur for Shabbos Nusach Sefard
Lot : 25
Naples, 1490
Lot : 26
Ten Commandments with Ibn Ezra’s Commentary
Basel, 1527
Lot : 27
Baal Haturim’s Commentary
on the Torah
Venice, 1544
Lot : 28
Drashos HaTorah by Chacham Rabbi Shem Tov
First Edition
Salonika, 1525
Lot : 29
The Terumas Hadeshen’s
Commentary on Rashi
First Edition
Venice, 1519
Lot : 30
Lot : 31
Zera Beirach
Exceedingly Rare!
First Edition
Cracow, 1646
Lot : 32
The Alshich Hakadosh al HaTorah
First Edition
Venice, 1601
Lot : 33
Lot : 34
Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur
Mesores Hamasores.
Bomberg Press
Venice, 1538
Lot : 35
Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur
Izna, 1541
Lot : 36
Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur
Sefer Meturgeman
Cologne, 1560
Lot : 37
Chasam Sofer
Mattersdorf, 1802
“Even if one is at the lowest of levels, he still has a connection to the Torah”
Lot : 38
Letter by Rabbi Shimon Sofer
Av Beis Din of Cracow
Marienbad, 1882
Lot : 39
Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld
Av Beis Din Mattersdorf
Essay on The Four Exiles
Lot : 40
Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld
Mattersdorf, 1906
Lot : 41
Manuscript by Rabbi Chaim Avraham Arnshtein,
AB"D of Bardiav
Disciple of the Chasam Sofer
Lot : 42
Letter by
Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer
to His Son Rabbi Yosef Leib
Paks, 1898
Lot : 43
Shaarei Torah
With Over 50 Handwritten Glosses
by the
Machaneh Chaim
Lot : 44
Rabbi Amram Fischer, AB"D of Yunk
Yunk, 1907
Son-in-Law of the Yalkut Eliezer
Lot : 45
Handwritten Drashah for 7 Adar, 1874 by
Rabbi Yirmiyahu Low
Lot : 46
Unknown Letter from the Chasam Sofer
Preserved & copied by Rabbi Asher Anschel Weiss
Author of Shemen Laminchah
Lot : 47
Halachic Teshuvah
by Rabbi Yeshaya Zilberstein,
AB"D of Weitzen & Author of Maase Lamelech
Lot : 48
Chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Eliezer Deitsch
AB"D of Bonyhad & Author of Pri Hasadeh. 1908
Lot : 49
Lot : 50
Complete Set
Lot : 51
Tikunei Zohar
Rabbi Moshe Shapira Edition.
Slavita, 1826
Lot : 52
Lot : 53
Ginas Egoz
by Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla
First Edition
Hanau, 1610
Lot : 54
Lot : 55
The Ramak
Asis Rimonim
First Edition
Venice, 1601
Lot : 56
The Arizal’s Glosses on Zohar Edited by the Ramaz.
Derech Emes
First Edition
Venice, 1658
Lot : 57
Teachings revealed by the Maggid
Maggid Meisharim by the Beis Yosef
First Edition
Venice, 1649
Lot : 58
Mashra Katrin
Constantinople, 1510
Exceptional rare sefer!
Lot : 59
Lot : 60
Tikkunei Hazohar with
Chemdas Tzvi Commentary
Amsterdam, 1706
Only Edition!