Sefiras HaOmer
Offenbach, 1823
Artistic Hand-Crafted Binding
Compact size Sefiras HaOmer booklet with magnificent illustrations, laws, customs and daily prayers.
Hand-Crafted Artistic Binding
This book is bound with blue fabric embroidered with silver thread, sequins and embellishments. Masterpiece embroideries like these were fashioned by women of the era and usually gifted to women of affluence or prestigious lineage.
This work contains 5 full-page woodcut illustrations depicting Jewish themes pertaining to the period of the Omer:
1)the harvesting of the omer during the Temple era;
2) Splitting of the Sea on the seventh day of Pesach;
3) Hair Cutting on Lag BaOmer
4) Rabbi playing with his students on Lag BaOmer;
5) Mitzvah of Bikkurim on Shavuos.
The prayers in the sefer include Minchah and Maariv; prayers for Motzaei Shabbos; Kiddush Levanah; Birkas Hamazon; Krias Shema al Hamittah; Tefillas Haderech; and Eiruv Tavshilin.
Offenbach, 1823. Page size: 8.5 cm. 92 leaves. Two title pages. The outer margins of several pages are cropped until text.
Good condition. Worn binding. Preserved in a new matching case.
Item description from the ‘William L. Gross Collection’
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