Shaar Hagilgulim with Handwritten Commentary, Glosses, Segulos & Amulets by Rabbi Yehudah Petaya.
Jerusalem, 1863
Shaar Hagilgulim replete with handwritten glosses, segulos, amulets and chiddushim by the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Yehudah Petaya.
Shaar Hagilgulim
Shaar Hagilgulim is the fundamental kabbalistic sefer encompassing the exalted concept of soul reincarnation. It contains a comprehensive list of names of gilgulim, beginning with the time of Creation, which the Arizal revealed to his prime disciple, Rabbi Chaim Vital.
The famed kabbalist Rabbi Yehudah Petaya was a master on the secrets of soul reincarnation, and was known to perform rituals to banish evil spirits .
The title page features his autograph “ Hatza’ir Yehudah Moshe Yehoshua Petaya.”
Leaf 1a features the text for an amulet to be blessed with children.
Leaf 2 is entitled “
Sefer Glilei Zahav, Sivan 5642 (1882)” . This leaf also contains assorted kabbalistic writings and a kabbalistic sketch shaped as a Star of David.
Four handwritten leaves, all in Rabbi Yehudah’s handwriting,
are bound to the front of this sefer. A inscription on Leaf 4 reveals: “We commenced the commentary to Sh[aar] Hagilgulim on Thursday, 8 Nissan, 5658 with the holy kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Agassi, author of Bnei Aharon on Shaar Hagilgulim (Baghdad, 1908).
Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Yehudah studied Shaar Hagilgulim together comprehensively, and the former frequently cites his chavrusah, Rabbi Yehudah Petaya. Many of Rabbi Yehudah’s comments were published in reb Shimon sefer.
An additional four leaves are bound to this sefer which include “Principles of Hebrew Grammar” by Rabbi Simcha Climani in Rabbi Yehudah’s handwriting. Leaf 10b features a gloss by his student Rabbi Yehoshua Moshe who was later appointed Raavad in Baghdad, and authored Ketz Hayamin.
The holy kabbalist Rabbi Yehudah Petaya (1859-1942) was one of the leading kabbalists in recent generations, a saintly character who was unrivaled in his kabbalistic attainments. Rabbi Yehudah wrote the authoritative commentary on Rabbi Chaim Vital’s Sefer Eitz Chaim. He was renowned as a miracle worker who brought health and recovery to the ill, children to the barren and revived broken souls .He also removed evil spirits by conversing with them, as described in Ruchos Mesapros.
Shaar Hagilgulim. Jerusalem, 1863. 78 leaves. Page size: 21 cm. First and last page margins reinforced; minor stains and minuscule holes. Antique leather binding with engraved gilded dedication on cover.
Facsimile copy of the present item was published by Yeshivat/Ahavat Hashalom (Jerusalem, 1991). See its Preface for additional information regarding the present copy and its annotations.
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