Derech Chochmah by the Ramchal. First Edition. Amsterdam, 1783
Four essays on the Revealed and Hidden Torah by the legendary kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato (Ramchal).
In the fourth essay of this sefer, the Ramchal presents important foundations regarding the essence of Rosh Hashanah and concepts of Malchuyos, Zichronos and Shofros which constitute the basis of Tefillas Mussaf of Rosh Hashanah.
This collection includes 4 compositions, each with a separate title page, and all in complete, pristine condition!
1. Derech Chochmah – A dialogue between a Rabbi and student regarding methods of acquiring wisdom.
2. Maamar al Aggados – Fundamental composition to understand the essence of Aggadah in Chazal.
3. Maamar Ha’Ikrim – Composition on the fundamentals of faith.
4. Maamar Hachochmah – Fundamental essay on prayer, the essence of Rosh Hashanah, and the principles of the wisdom of kabbalah, etc.
Amsterdam, 1783. First edition. [5], 5: [1], 3: [1], 7: [1], 10 leaves. Page size: 17 cm. Good condition. New leather binding.
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