Autograph by Rabbi Shimon Weiner & His Grandson Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Breuer on Sefer Terumas Hadeshen Fürth, 1778 .
Shu”t Terumas Hadeshen by Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin with autographs of its venerable owners.
Both the title page and preceding page of the present sefer feature the autographs of Harav Shimon Weiner, Av Beis Din of Leshbrin, along with the autograph of his son and successor Harav Yosef Weiner, attesting that the sefer belonged to his father.
The inner flap of the book contains a long handwritten description of ownership signed by Harav Shlomo Breuer confirming that the sefer belonged to his grandfather.
Harav Shimon Weiner (1769-1871), Av Beis Din of Leshbrin, was born in Mattersdorf and was the foremost talmid of the Chasam Sofer in Hungary, after the Chasam Sofer accepted the post of Rav in Mattersdorf in 1798. Harav Shimon likewise studied by the Maharam Banet in Nikolsburg, receiving semichah from both his mentors.
In a letter of approbation recommending him to the Rabbinate of Leshbrin, the Chasam Sofer inscribed, “My prime disciple…Fortunate is the community where he shall preside…and Hashem is with him…”
Harav Shimon Weiner passed away at the age of 102. Some of his writings were published at the end of his grandson’s sefer Divrei Yosef under the title Avnei Nezer.
Harav Shlomo Zalman Breuer (1850-1926) was the
son-in-law and successor of Harav Samson Rafael Hirsch as Rav in Frankfurt. Raised in the midst of his venerable grandfather, the abovementioned Harav Shimon Weiner.
Fürth, 1778. [5], 122: 2-45 leaves. Page size: 20 cm. Leaf 40 has a small tear with missing text; holes affecting text on last pages. Original worn binding.
The title page bears his autographed inscription: “Belongs to me Hakatan Shimon M”D [Mattersdorf]. I purchased it in Year 5568 [1808] for 4 gold coins.”
The previous page is signed: “Hakatan Shimon of MD [Mattersdorf]…”
The inner side of the cover also bears the signature of Harav Shlomo Zalman Breuer: “I also attest with clear testimony that…this beloved sefer called TH [Terumas Hadeshen] belongs to my…grandfather…Harav Hagaon…Shimon Weiner, Raavad and Rosh Mesivta of the holy kehillah of Leshbrin and its environs. Speaking for the honor of Torah,
Hakatan Zalman Breier, grandson and disciple of the Rav.”
The last page features the autographed inscription of his son Harav Yosef Weiner, Av Beis Din of Leshbrin:
“I also attest with clear testimony that…this beloved sefer called TH [Terumas Hadeshen] belongs to Harav Hagaon…Shimon, Av Beis Din of Szentgrod and its environs. Speaking with great and eternal love, Hakatan Yosef son of the Rav.”
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