Bichel: The Mitteler Rebbe’s Manuscripts. Beautifully handwritten! Beautifully transcribed Chassidic Ma’amarim (essays)
The Saraf of Brisk Rare Letter from the Maharil Diskin. Jerusalem, 1897 This letter was penned by the illustrious sages of Jerusalem to Baron Shimon Wolf Rothschild entitled the “Saar HaTzaddik”, regarding the Keren Yeshuah Fund established to financially assist the residents of Jerusalem. The actual letter was written by Harav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, with signatures of the Maharil Diskin, Rav Shmuel Salant, and Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. Harav Moshe Yehoshua Yehuda Leib Diskin (1818-1898) Renowned as Maharil Diskin, served as a spiritual luminary to the generation. He guided the nation with his genius, righteousness, and piety. His contemporary sages praised him effusively to the extent that Harav Chaim Soloveitchik expressed that “Where all the descriptive praises end, there begins his praise.” Maharil Diskin served as Rav in cities with prominent Jewish communities, such as Kovno and Brisk. In 1877, he journeyed to Yerushalayim and left an everlasting spiritual impact on the city of Jerusalem Jerusalem 1897, page size 2329cm, good condition,
"Everything is from hashem" Fascinating lengthy letter written entirely by the holy Chofetz Chaim. Radin,