The Idra Raba and Idra Zuta: sections from the Zohar to recite at Kever Rachel and Kever Shmuel Hanavi.
Edited by Rabbi Moshe Hagiz, according to the writings of the Mekubal Rabbi Noson Shapira.
On the title page of the book and in the introduction by Rabbi Moshe Hagiz, it is said that the members of "the group" in Jerusalem have the custom to recite these portions when they ascend to Kever Rachel and the tomb of Shmuel HaNavi on their yartzeits.
The proceeds from the sale of the "Idros” books were to benefit the residents of Jerusalem. In his introduction, the author writes that one can bring the money to the Rishon Lezion Rabbi Avraham Yitzhaki, author of Zera Avraham who was in Europe at that time, on a mission from Jerusalem.
Amsterdam 1708. Shlomo Props printing press. [3] 25 leaves 14.5cm. Good condition
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Idra Raba & Zuta
The "Idros" are the best-known parts of the Zohar.
Idra in Aramaic, means assembly, that is, the assembly of the sages with Rashbi, during which they received secrets from the Torah. In Adra Zuta (small assembly) there were fewer sages present and therefore it is called zuta (small) to distinguish it from Adra Rabba (large).
The assembly of the sages described in Idra Zuta was held on the day of Rashbi’s death. The sefer includes the profound secrets he revealed on the day of his death and the description of his death. It is also a custom to recite this Idra on Lag B’Omer.
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