Handwritten Discourse by the Stropkover Rebbe & Harav Hillel Lichtenstein of Krasna regarding Testimony on Auschwitz deportees
Bamberg, Germany, 1948.
Handwritten document by the Stropkover Rebbe Harav Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam regarding the testimony of a woman who was informed by gentiles that her husband and entire family were deported to Auschwitz.
In the sefer Shu”t Tiferes Naftali by Harav Naftali Hertz Hoenig of Sharmash there’s a responsa to the Stropkover Rebbe regarding this specific case of a Holocaust agunah. In which he rules that she is permitted to remarry.
Collecting testimonies of death from Polish war survivors was complex, tens of thousands of Polish Jewish prisoners were transported from camp to camp over the course of six hellish years, and many surviving wives lacked definite evidence of their husbands’ death, as in the case of this particular agunah.
Hagaon Harav Hillel Lesh (Lichtenstein), Av Beis Din of Krasna, (1900-1979) devoted intensive efforts to free Holocaust agunos, authoring a long, comprehensive work which he entitled Rani Akarah on this heartrending subject. Throughout several years spent in displaced persons camps in Europe after World War II, he freed approximately 400 agunos.
Harav Hillel Lesh’s son describes his fathers challenging process of obtaining accurate testimony from witnesses regarding the deaths of Holocaust victims:
“Collecting testimony was one of the most difficult sacred tasks. Every time, he would speak inspiring words to the witnesses to tell the truth, and explain to them…that the Divine Presence lingers in every Beis Din, and that certainly the Divine Presence lingers now. (He also ordered them to douse their cigarettes out of respect ) and cautioned them to speak only the truth. On the other hand, he bolstered and inspired them regarding the awesome merit of speaking the truth and thus freeing agunos from the shackles of their inability to remarry…” (Preface to Rani Akarah)
Bamberg, 1948. Page size: 20×30.
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