Rabbeinu Bachya on the Torah. Pesaro, 1507.
Rare Hebrew Classic. Post Incunable.
Rabbeinu Bachya’s commentary is one of the premier commentaries on the Torah, learned and regarded with the same awe as the commentaries of Rashi, Ramban and Ibn Ezra.
Rabbi Avraham wrote in his Sefer Yuchsin:
“This is a sefer whose reputation has spread around the world.”
The Tosfos Yom Tov likewise inscribes:
“Many and righteous [individuals] read and learn the sefer of Rabbeinu Bachya every Shabbos, and indeed, there is hardly a commentator who followed him who did not draw or cite from his commentary and explanations on the Torah.”
Rabbeinu Bachya compiled his commentary based on all 4 methods of Torah study—pshat, remez, drush and sod (simple explanations, allusions, deeper meanings and kabbalistic Torah) which are collectively known by the acronym ‘Pardes’. He integrates each of these elements into his commentary on each Torah portion, and in many places, also expounds upon the profound teachings of the Ramban
Pesaro, 1507.
[288] leaves. Page size: 29 cm. 3 leaves at the beginning of Bereishis, Shmos and Vayikrah with the ornate borders in the distinct style of Pesaro printing house. Title page, margins of first pages and last page artistically restored . Thick volume. New leather binding. Very rare!
Stefansky Sifrei Yesod-Jewish Classic #4
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