
Lot : 92

Famous Letter of the Rogatchover Lashing out Against the Conservatives; United States,

Start price: $2,500
Est. Price: $3,000 - $5,000

Famous Letter of the Rogatchover Lashing out Against the Conservatives; United States, 1935

Harsh letter written by the Rogatchover lashing out against a decision by the Rabbinical Assembly of Conservative rabbis.

Background: In 1935, the Rabbinical Assembly of Conservative Rabbis took place in Far Rockway, NY. There, the Conservative rabbis decided to adopt Y. L. Epstein’s suggestion that a husband grant his wife power of attorney upon getting married, allowing her to issue her own divorce, thus resolving the matter of agunos.
The Agudas HaRabbanim of the United States and Canada held a special convention in response to the Rabbinical Assembly and then published their views in the sefer L’Dor Acharon.

The present letter was written by the Rogatchover in response to this outrageous ruling and is also included in L’Dor Acharon.

In his customary sharp manner, the Rogatchover cuttingly writes that they will now be liable for causing many mamzeirim. He writes that they do not understand the laws of Gittin and Kedushin, and he concludes with the verse regarding Korach and his congregation: “Remove yourselves from these evil people!”

The Rogatchover sent this letter on the 23rd of Tamuz, 1935, from his summer home near the city of Riga.

In his signature, he mentions that he is unwell and suffering. This was likely his final illness as the Rogatchover passed away on the 13th of Adar, 1936.

Postcard dated the 13th of Tamuz,
Good condition