Two Volumes of Handwritten Treatises Including Homilies and Eulogies from Rabbi Shmuel Rappaport, AB”D of Springfield, Massachusetts; 1905 – 1910
Two volumes containing some fifty homilies for special shabbasos, the yamim nora’im, holidays, siyumim and other special occasions, handwritten by Rabbi Shmuel Rappaport, Av Beis Din of Springfield, Massachusetts.
Included in his writings are responsa on matters of practical halacha as well as several eulogies on rabbinical leaders, such as the Sdei Chemed, the Aderet, Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Rabbi Eiezer Gordon of Telz and a eulogy dedicated to the victims of the Kishinev Pogroms.
In his homilies, Rabbi Shmuel reproaches his community regarding several practical matters pertaining to American Jewry during that time period.
Rabbi Shmuel’s seal can be found at the beginning of the volume.
Rabbi Shmuel Rappaport was a prominent disciple of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter and Rabbi Eliezer Gordon of Telz. He was rabbinically ordained by both Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor and the Aderes”t and earned his name as the respected ab”d of Springfield, Massachusetts. He eventually immigrated to Jerusalem.
370 pages | Two identical volumes | 26 x 20 cm | Original simple binding lacking spine