Impressive First Edition “Sifsei Chachamim” on Torah; Amsterdam, 1680
First edition Sifsei Chachamim commentary on the Chamisha Chumshei Torah authored by Rabbi Shabsi Bass Meshorer.
The sefer includes the Chamisha Chumshei Torah, Megillahs and Haftorahs, along with the Onkelus, Rashi and Baal HaTurim commentaries.
Sifsei Chachamim is considered a primary commentary on Rashi. While it is generally printed in an abbreviated version, this first edition, brought to print by the author himself, is written in its full version.
The sefer includes four title pages: There are two title pages for the Chumash itself adorned with copper engraved illustrations of Moshe, Aharon, the Aron HaBris and Har Sinai. There are separate title pages for the Haftorahs and Megillaos, respectively.
This first edition was published in Amsterdam, 1680.
[5], 307 [2], 310-362 pages | 20.4 cm | Thick paper, gilded edges | Leather binding and new leather case | Professionally restored title page, tear on page 227 | Otherwise good condition | Rare
Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod – Classics No. 27