Long Letter from the ‘Chasdei David, ’ the Admor Rabbi David of Sochatchov; 1922
Long letter from the Admor- Rabbi David Bernstein of Sochatchov regarding an agunah, addressed to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Written during his tenure in the Tamoshov rabbinate, the letter is entirely handwritten and signed by the Admor.
The letter discusses a husband who fled the country and left his wife- making her an agunah. The Admor requests that Rabbi Kook finds the husband and arrange a get. The Admor promises to arrange payment for the scribe, Beis Din and husband’s expenses which would be delivered through the divorcee’s father.
Rabbi David Bernstein of Sochatchov (1877 – 1943) was a renowned Polish Admor and leading Rabbi in the generation of the Holocaust. He was the Shem MiShmuel’s son and a prized disciple of his grandfather- the Avnei Nezer who remarked: "My grandson has an all-encompassing mind from one end to the other." He served as Rabbi of Visegrád and Tomaszow and succeeded his father’s position in 1926. He established a yeshiva in Lodz named after his grandfather the Avnei Nezer, where learning was held according to the special Sochatchov style. During the war years he strengthened the hearts of his followers and encouraged them to flee from the Nazi’s rule. He passed away in the Warsaw Ghetto.
1 leaf | 21 x 27 cm | Double-sided