
פריט : 128

Response from Rabbi Chaim Shabti of Salonika (the Maharchash) Author of Responsa

מחיר פתיחה: $4,000
הערכה: $6,000 - $8,000

Response from Rabbi Chaim Shabti of Salonika (the Maharchash) Author of Responsa Toras Chaim 1600

A halachic response signed by the great Sephardic leader, Rabbi Chaim Shabti, rabbi and Rosh Yeshivah of Salonika..
Rabbi Chaim Shabti served as the rabbi and Rosh Yeshivah in Salonika for more than forty years and authored many Torah responses. He was blessed with long life during which time he acquired many disciples who would go on to become renowned Torah leaders. His letters were published as the Responsa Toras Chaim– Maharchash. He also published a thorough compilation on the topic of agunos called Aguna De'atasa.
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